Heyl Family PracticeMost moms' stomachs change after having a baby. But, is it a hernia, Diastasis Recti, extra skin, or fat?! We can help get you clarity at one of our free upcoming screenings!

You’ll get a Diastasis Recti assessment from one of our Pelvic PT’s! Learn if it’s actually Diastasis or if something else is causing your issue and clarity on next steps. No need to make an appointment, just show up between the times below!

Wexford, PA clinic
January 25
10:00 am-12:00 pm
3 pm-5:00 pm

Please email us at info@resilientmotherhoodhealth.com with any questions! And visit our Diastasis Recti posts to get Diastasis Recti tips. (Link Diastasis Recti and Digestion, Diastasis Recti and Running, Diastasis Recti and c-section, Diastasis Recti treatment)